Monday, August 15, 2011

Smart Phone = Dumb People, Now I'm pissed off.

This morning an old guy chatted to me and said I "didn't look like an artist more like an artisan" I smiled and replied :"It isn't about how you look , its about what is in your head." He was wearing a flouro jacket but I said nothing about how he "looked". It got me thinking though.

Then I watched a new video by Kanye West and Jay-z. and I wondered if they "look" like artists.
To me these guys are a couple of hip hop genius artists and their video shows how artists really work. Like the Marquis de Sade said "I merely held up a mirror".

My thoughts on flouro man and watching this vid have prompted me to write. The images in this "music video" tell it like it is now.The USA ,like a lot of countries in history, was established by people sick of Europe or where they were, so they headed to new shores killed the locals took the land and got to building something better with the help of African slaves. Yes I know a whole lot of social change has happened since then, just look at the video and see two really rich African American artists burning money and oil and chopping up a German (Maybach) car under an American flag. Then drifting the car with several babes hanging on in the back. If this isn't a true mirror of how stupid we are, what is?

As the world feels the USA crunching into some sort or financial Armageddon and Europe is also in the same mess, nobody is looking at the real picture. What is the real picture? The video is just a distraction really focusing on symbols and icons of success , Donald Trump is driven around in a Maybach like the one in the vid. Rolex is another premium brand etc.
A couple of months ago I came up with a slogan "Smart phone = Dump planet"
The reason I coined this phrase was an item I saw on mining in India to extract rare earth metals from forest areas where traditional communities are killed or moved off to rip out the forest and get the minerals needed to make smart that a whole lot of kids in London can "out text" the cops and steal and burn all via smart phone. I guess the its not strictly Dump planet its more Dumb people. So the real picture is "Smart Phone = Dumb People" .This is just my opinion on a cold day and I really doubt "Big Brother" will give a toss, BB can't even track the looters, and I am just one person amidst 6.5 billion.

Later. Peter Raos artist!!!!
Here is the Video link if you want to see for yourself.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

James Walker 1990 NZSAG workshop

Here is a clip from the video I shot of the NZSAG workshop on glass fusing.
This lesson on glass cutting was given by Glass Artist James Walker who passed away this year.